Ni Guru ni Maître… Ces quelques mots, souvent prononcés par Jean Dubuis, traduisent clairement la façon dont il conçoit sa mission : désocculter la connaissance et la transmettre dans un esprit de liberté, proposer des outils pour marcher dans le sens de son Devenir, rappelant que pour comprendre Le Grand Livre de la Nature, deux choses sont nécessaires : « une tête bien faite et un coeur généreux ». Il invite au « Ora et Labora » (« médite et travaille »). Ainsi, est toujours sienne la devise du Bouddha Gauthama : "Ne crois rien parce qu'on t'aura montré le témoignage écrit de quelque sage ancien. Ne crois rien sur l'autorité des Maîtres ou des Prêtres. Mais ce qui s'accordera avec ton expérience et après une étude approfondie satisfera ta raison et tendra vers ton bien cela tu pourras l'accepter comme vrai et y conformer ta vie".

dimanche 5 octobre 2014

RELAXATION.: un mantra***

The Jesus Prayer is a short, formulaic prayer esteemed and advocated within the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches. It is, for the Orthodox, one of the most profound and mystical prayers and is often repeated endlessly as part of a personal ascetic practice. In a modern context the continuing repetition is regarded by some as a form of meditation, the prayer functioning as a kind of mantra. Anyway, it is not a mantra or magic formula, but a prayer.

The Jesus Prayer according to numerous Church Fathers is "essential" to our spiritual growth. The Jesus Prayer proclaims our faith and humbles us by asking mercy for our sinfulness. The Jesus Prayer is thought to be as old as the Church itself.

This prayer song is sung in Church Slavonic language. Phrase is very similar to the Russian language. Church Slavonic is the primary liturgical language of the Orthodox Church in Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, and some other countries.

In this arrangement, one sentence repeated again and again, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me." That's all. Very simple and short. But this is very powerful prayer. If you feel you have lost your peace of mind, or your mind is troubled, or if you need forgiveness, in these cases this prayer (song) gives you a peace of mind, it calms down your restless heart and bring you mercy. For my part, I use this prayer almost every day, continually

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